東京都新宿区新宿1-30-4 OSビル6階
受付時間 :09:00~19:00(土日祝祭日は予約制)
Foreigners who engage in activities for research, guidance of research or education at a university/college, an equivalent educational institutions or a college of technology.
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Professor, Associate Professor, Instructor, Assistant (full-time, part-time)
Activities at a graduate school, university's research institute, the Open University of Japan and junior college also fall under "Professor" status.
The applicant needs to earn a sufficient income to make an independent living in Japan.
The difference between the status of "Professor" and "Instructor" is the educational institution which foreigners engage in activities. The "Professor" status is applicable for foreigners who have their position at a university, college, or its equivalent. The "Instructor" status is applicable for foreigners who have their position at educational institutions other than university, college, or its equivalent.
The difference between the status of "Professor" and "Researcher" is the institution/organization which foreigners engage in their research activities. The "Professor" status is applicable for foreigners who make their research activities at a university, college, or its equivalent. The "Researcher" status is applicable for foreigners who engage in their research activities at a public or private organization. The foreigners with the "Professor" status are able to engage in activities for guidance of research or education at a university/college.
If the applicant engages in remunerative artistic activities in a place other than an educational institution or an organization, the "Artist" status is applicable.
If the applicant engages in non-remunerative research activities, the "Cultural Activities" status is applicable.
Foreigners who engage in art activities with income including music, the fine arts, literature, etc. (except for the activities listed under the status of "Entertainer").
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Foreign Musician, Artist, Writer, Photographer, etc.
If the applicant engages in non-remunerative artistic activities, the "Cultural Activities" status is applicable.
If the applicant engages in artistic activities for research, guidance of research, or education at a university or equivalent educational institution, the "Professor" status is applicable.
When the applicant applies for this status of residence, he/she must show his/her considerable efforts and achievements in his/her previous artistic activities in order to prove that he/she is able to sustain stable living in Japan by his/her expected compensation.
Foreign religious workers who engage in missionary and other religious activities dispatched by a foreign religious organization.
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Foreign Minister, Priest, Missionary
If the applicant is invited by a Japanese religious organization, an invitation letter or a recommendation letter from the religious organization must be obtained.
A foreigner who is granted this status of residence can engage in non-remunerative activities such as language education and social work besides their religious activities if he/she is instructed to do so by a religious organization. If a foreigner engages in such activities with compensation, he/she must apply for "permission of engagement in out-of-scope activities".
If the applicant is managing a missionary kindergarten in Japan, the "Business Manager" status is applicable.
Facilities for religious activity base must be located in Japan.
The applicant needs to earn a sufficient income to make an independent living in Japan. (Remuneration from a Japanese and/or foreign religious organization)
Foreigners who conduct news coverage or other journalistic activities based on a contract with a foreign journalistic organization.
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Foreign Journalists, Freelancers
This status of residence is applicable for freelancers who are not employed by a foreign journalistic organization but engage in journalistic activities based on a contract with a foreign journalistic organization.
A foreign journalistic organization can be "private", "national" or "public".
A contract must be entered into with a specific organization on a continuous basis.
The journalistic activities include "reporting", "filming", "editing" and "broadcasting".
The assistant cameraman and the assistant light operator are also applicable for this status of residence provided that he/she owns a valid contract with a foreign journalistic organization.
This status of residence is applicable for foreigners who are hired by or own a valid contract with a foreign journalistic organization; therefore, if foreigners who are hired by or own a contract with a Japanese journalistic organization, another type of status of residence such as "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" shall be fit.
This status of residence is applicable for foreigners who engage in journalistic activities in Japan; therefore, the foreigners who provide entertainment such as music, theatrical entertainment or other performance art in broadcasting programs must acquire another type of status of residence.
If foreign journalists make their journalistic activities in Japan for a short period of time, the "Temporary Visitor" status is applicable.
The applicant needs to earn a sufficient income to make an independent living in Japan.
Foreigners who engage in the following activities;
i. Commencing the operation of a business,
ii. Operating or managing a business, or
iii. Operating or managing a business on behalf of a proprietor (including the juridical persons) who have begun such an operation (except for the activities to engage in the operation or management of the business which are not allowed without the legal qualifications listed in the "Legal/Accounting Services" status).
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 4 months, or 3 months
Foreigners who engage in operational or management activities of business such as directors, officers, auditors, managers, plant managers and branch managers.
A facility to be used as an office for the relevant business must be located in Japan. The short term leased office and the virtual office are not recognized as an office for the business. However, the use of the Incubation office is recognized as an office for the business.
The business concerned must have the capacity to employ at least 2 full-time employees in Japan (including "Spouse or Child of Japanese National/Permanent Resident", "Long-Term Resident" and "Permanent Resident" but excluding foreign nationals residing in Japan with any of working visa) in addition to those who operate and/or manage the business.
If the management does not or will not hire 2 full-time employees in a business, an initial investment of at least 5,000,000 yen is required. The investment of at least 5,000,000 yen should be maintained as equity, and the entity should spend at least 5,000,000 yen for its office expenses. These are verified by the entity's business plan, balance sheet and income statement.
If the applicant invests to business by borrowings, there is a possibility to be able to acquire this status of residence if the debts are personally guaranteed by the applicant.
If the applicant engages in the management of international trading or any other business in Japan, he/she must have at least 3 years' experience in business operation and/or management (this includes any period he/she has spent studying business operation and/or management at the post-graduate level). The applicant must additionally prove that he/she will receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
No restriction in business types for a permission of this status of residence if the business is allowed under Japanese Laws. If the applicant starts business in the form of sole proprietorship, this status of residence is still granted by satisfying the permissible standards.
If the applicant engages in legal or accounting activities in the investment entity with his/her legal qualification, the "Legal/Accounting Services" status is applicable. However, if the applicant with a legal qualification operates or manages a business with his/her expertise, the "Business Manager" status is applicable.
If the applicant with a medical qualification operates or manages a hospital, the "Business Manager" status is applicable.
If the applicant is operating and managing a Japanese corporation which is established by only Japanese nationals, he/she is applicable for this status of residence.
If foreigners establish an entity by joint investment, a foreigner who is qualified for this status of residence is ascertained based on his/her amount of investment/remuneration and job description. In this case, each foreigner is required to invest at least 5,000,000 yen for establishing an entity.
If a foreigner visits Japan for preparations of business prior to his/her application, he/she is able to enter Japan with "Temporary Visitor Visa".
If a foreigner who manages a business in Japan with remuneration paid by the entity and visits Japan for attending business meetings, he/she needs to obtain this status of residence. If a foreigner who manages a business in Japan without pay, he/she is able to attend business meetings with "Temporary Visitor Visa".
The activities and services in which foreigners are permitted to engage under this status of residence and the "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status or the "Engineer" status are partly overlapping. If the applicant is under this condition, the "Business Manager" status is preferentially granted. If the holder of the "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status or the "Engineer" status subsequently falls under the condition of the "Business Manager" status, he/she changes his/her status of residence to "Business Manager" at the time of next renewal.
The applicant is able to hire a domestic servant if he/she satisfies certain conditions.
Foreigners who engage in the legal/accounting services with a related Japanese license.
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Foreign lawyers, certified public accountants
Foreigners who engage in activities of medical treatment services, which are required to be undertaken by physicians, dentists or those with other legal qualifications (those with relevant Japanese licenses).
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Foreign Physician, Dentist, Pharmacist, Registered Nurse
(incl. Assistant Nurse)
The applicant who intends to engage in duties as a physician, dentist, pharmacist, public health nurse, birthing assistant, registered nurse, assistant nurse, dental hygienist, X-ray technician for medical examinations, physical therapist, occupational therapist, eye specialist, clinical technician, or artificial limb technician must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
If the applicant is holding a Japanese license and is not engaging in activities in the areas of medical care, the "Medical Services" status is not applicable. For instance, if the applicant intends to engage in research activities in a Japanese institute, the "Researcher" status is a relevant status of worker.
If the applicant engages in activities in the area of medical care without a Japanese license, the "Researcher" status or the "Engineer" status is possibly applicable.
If the applicant intends to engage in activities as an assistant nurse, he/she needs to perform his/her activities as a trainee within 4 years from the date of grant of a Japanese license. The difference between the "Trainee" status and the "Medical Services" status is that a holder of "Trainee" status may not engage in activities for which he/she is paid remuneration; however, a foreigner who holds the "Medical Services" status is able to obtain a consideration for his/her activities.
Foreigners who are willing to acquire this status of residence are limited to licensors of the above mentioned professionals.
Foreigners who engage in research activities based on a contract with a Japanese public or private organization (except for the activities listed in "Professor" status).
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Foreign researchers who engage in remunerative activities in Japan
This status of residence is applicable for foreign researchers who engage in their research activities at public or private organizations in Japan except for university/college. If the applicant engages in his/her research activities at a university, the "Professor" status is applicable.
A contract must be entered into with a specific organization on a continuous basis.
This status of residence is applicable for foreign researchers at a Japanese branch office of a foreign corporation.
If the applicant is transferred to a business office in Japan for a limited period of time, the requirements of educational and professional backgrounds described below are not applied with the satisfaction of certain standards.
This status of residence is applicable for foreign researchers at a private enterprise provided that the facility/plant and its staffs are well organized to accomplish their research activities.
If the applicant intends to engage in research activities without a valid contract with a public or private organization in Japan (for instance, his/her research activities in Japan are based on a research agreement between a Japanese organization and a foreign organization where he/she belongs to), the "Researcher" status is not applicable.
The applicant’s research engagement must be based on a contact between an applicant and a Japanese organization in order to obtain the "Researcher" status.
A research activity falls under this if the research is specialized and scientific.
The statuses of residence of "Engineer" and "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" are relevant for foreigners who engage in their activities based on their techniques and specialized knowledge. On the other hand, the "Researcher" status is relevant for foreigners who engage in their activities to research/develop these techniques and specialized knowledge.
If the applicant engages in research activities without compensation, the "Cultural Activity" status is relevant.
The applicant must have a master's degree or at least 3 years' experience (this includes research conducted in graduate school) beyond graduation from university (this excludes junior college but includes graduates obtained the advanced diploma) or an equivalent institution in a field of research related to that in which he/she intends to engage, or at least 10 years' experience in such field of research (including research conducted in university).
The applicant must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
Foreigners who engage in activities of language instruction and other education at a Japanese elementary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, secondary educational school, school for special needs education, advanced vocational school, vocational school or other educational institution equivalent to a vocational school in facilities and curriculum.
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Language Instructor (full-time/part-time)
If the applicant engages in education at a university/college, the "Professor" status is applicable. If the applicant engages in education such as instruction in languages at a kindergarten, the "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status is applicable.
The applicant must have graduated from university or acquired an education equivalent thereto, or must hold a license to teach the subject that he/she intends to teach.
If the applicant has graduated from a vocational school and obtained the "Diploma" or "Advanced Diploma", he/she is also eligible for the "Instructor" status.
When the applicant intends to teach a foreign language, he/she must have acquired an education in said language for at least 12 years. When the applicant is to teach any other subject, he/she must have at least 5 years' teaching experience in that subject.
This status of residence is granted to foreigners who engage in not only language instruction but also other education based on their specialized knowledge and their foreign cultural background.
The statuses of residence of "Instructor", "Engineer" and "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" are granted to foreigners who engage in activities on the basis of their specialized knowledge and their foreign cultural background; however, the "Instructor" status is relevant for foreigners who engage in education at educational institutions other than a university or its equivalent, or a college. In addition, if foreigners belonging to educational institutions are dispatched to private organizations as a language instructor according to the instructions, the "Instructor" status is still applicable.
If the applicant works at a Japanese branch of a foreign university/college which has been authorized as an educational institution in Japan, he/she is able to apply for this status of worker.
If the applicant works at a Japanese branch of a foreign university/college which has not been authorized as an educational institution in Japan, either the "Engineer"status or the "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status is applicable.
This status of worker is also applicable for foreigners who engage in education at an international school in Japan.
If the applicant works part-time, he/she needs to prove that he/she obtains a sufficient income to make an independent living in Japan including remuneration obtained from other activities.
The applicant must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
Foreigners who engage in services, which require technology and/or knowledge pertinent to physical science, engineering or other natural science fields, based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan (except for the activities listed in the "Professor" status and except for the activities listed in the "Business Manager", "Medical Services", "Researcher", "Instructor", "Intra-company Transferee" and "Entertainer" statuses).
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Engineer, IT Specialist
Foreigners who engage in services requiring knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, agriculture, medical/pharmaceutical sciences, odontology, etc. (natural science) are relevant for this status of residence.
The applicant is able to engage in activities/services only if there is an employment contract with a public or private organization in Japan.
The activities and services in which foreigners are permitted to engage under this status of residence and the "Business Manager" status are partly overlapping. If the applicant is under this condition, the "Business Manager" status is preferentially granted. If the holder of the "Engineer" status subsequently falls under the condition of the "Business Manager" status, he/she changes his/her status of residence to "Business Manager" at the time of next renewal.
The applicant must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
Foreigners who engage in services, which require knowledge of jurisprudence, economics, sociology or other human science fields or to engage in services which require specific ways of thought or sensitivity based on experience with foreign culture, based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan (except for the activities listed in the "Professor", "Artist" and "Journalist" statuses, and except for the activities listed in the "Business Manager", "Legal/Accounting Services", "Medical Services", "Researcher", "Instructor", "Intra-company Transferee" and "Entertainer" statuses).
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Interpreter, Translator, Language Instructor hired by private organization, Businessman (woman) in international trade section
This status of residence is applicable for foreigners who engage in services requiring knowledge of literature, education, psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, economics, business administration, etc. (liberal arts).
In cases where the applicant intends to engage in duties that require knowledge in the humanities, he/she must have graduated from university or acquired an education equivalent thereto, and majored in a subject pertaining to the knowledge necessary for performing the duties in which he/she intends to engage, or must have at least 10 years' experience (including the period of time spent majoring in the subject related to such knowledge at a university, college of technology, senior high school, during a course of study in the latter part of secondary school, or during a specialized course of study at a vocational school).
If the applicant has graduated from a Japanese vocational school and obtained the "Diploma" or "Advanced Diploma", he/she is also eligible for this status of residence. The applicant who has graduated from an accredited fashion design school with the duration of study of 2 years or more is also eligible for acquiring this status of residence.
In cases where the applicant intends to engage in duties that require ways of thinking or sensibilities that have his/her foundations in a foreign culture, he/she must fulfill all of the following requirements;
The applicant must engage in translation, interpretation, language instruction, public relations, overseas transactions, fashion or interior design, product development, or other similar duties, and
The applicant must have at least 3 years' experience in the relevant duties; provided, however, that shall not apply to cases where the applicant who has graduated from university is to engage in translation, interpretation, or language instruction.
The activities and services in which foreigners are permitted to engage under this status of residence and the "Business Manager" status are partly overlapping. If the applicant is under this condition, the "Business Manager" status is preferentially granted. If the holder of the "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status subsequently falls under the condition of the "Business Manager" status, he/she changes his/her status of residence to "Business Manager" at the time of next renewal.
The applicant must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
The graduates of a Japanese university and college with master's or bachelor's degree and N1 certificate are eligible to obtain the status of residence of "Designated Activities".
Foreigner who engages in activities on the part of a personnel who is transferred to a business office in Japan for a limited period of time from a business office established in a foreign country by a public or private organization which has a head office, branch office or other business office in Japan and who engages at this business office in the activities listed in the "Engineer" or the "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status.
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Foreign Transferees
This status of residence is granted if a foreigner who is transferred to a business office in Japan from a business office established in a foreign country and a foreigner who is hired in a business office in a foreign country and then transferred to a Japanese head office (refer to the attached file for details).
Transfers between/among parent company and subsidiaries/affiliates are applicable for this status of residence (refer to the attached file for details).
Employment of new foreign graduates is not applicable for this status of residence.
Since this status of residence is for "Transferee", it is not necessary to renew a contract of employment.
Transfer must be for a limited period of time. If the transfer is unlimited duration, the "Engineer" status or the "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status is applicable.
The applicant must have been employed at the main office, branch office, or other office outside of Japan for at least 1 year immediately prior to his/her transfer to Japan, during which time he/she was engaged in duties which fall under the categories of "Engineer" status or "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status. If the applicant does not satisfy this standard, the applicant may apply for either "Engineer" or "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status for his/her transfer.
This status of residence is granted only if a foreigner’s activities in Japan fall within the scope of the activities of the "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" status or "Engineer" status.
However, activities in which the foreigners engage at the Japanese office and have engaged at the foreign office shall not be the same.
If the applicant transfers and manages/operates business, the "Business Manager" status is applicable.
The applicant must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
Foreigners, who are qualified as a certified care worker, engage in nursing care or teaching of nursing care activities based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan.
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Case Worker
A foreigner who is eligible for this status of residence must have graduated from a Japanese nursing care worker training facility (*1) with the enrollment period of two years or more and acquired the qualification of a certified care worker.
(*1) Professional training college or other educational institution designated by the prefectural governor.
The typical flow for acquisition of this status of residence is as follows:
The applicant must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
Foreigners who engage in services, which require industrial techniques or skills belonging to special fields (they shall not be replaced by Japanese nationals) based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan.
Period of Stay:
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Foreigners who engage in services requiring industrial techniques or skills in special fields such as Chinese/French Chef.
A foreigner with at least 10 years' experience using such skills is relevant to apply for this status of residence.
The applicant must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.
The permissible standards depending on a foreigner's profession are as follows.
Cooking or Food Production
Construction or Civil Engineering
Manufacturing or Repairing of Foreign-Oriented Products
Processing of Jewelry, Precious Metals or Fur
Animal Training
Excavation for Oil Exploration or Geothermal Development, etc.
Airplane Piloting
Sports Instruction
Appraisal of Quality of Wine