

東京都新宿区新宿1-30-4 OSビル6階


受付時間   :09:00~19:00(土日祝祭日は予約制)



"Naturalization" & "Permanent Resident"

  • Naturalization: Foreigners who are willing to acquire Japanese nationality by giving up their nationality.

  • Permanent Resident: Foreigners who wish to maintain their nationality but engage in any activities without any restriction in Japan.

Statistics of Naturalization

The information on table below published by "Ministry of Justice" shows the recent trend of "Naturalization" in Japan.

  Number of
Successful Unsuccessful
2014 11,337 9,277 509
2015 12,442 9,469 603
2016 11,477 9,554 607
2017 11,063 10,315 625
2018 9,942 9,074 670
2019 10,457 8,453 596
2020 8,673 9,079 900
2021 9,562 8,167 863
2022 9,023 7,059 686
2023 9,836 8,800 813
Cumulative Number - 601,435 -

Number of foreign nationals permitted during 2023
(by Nationality)

KOREA : 2,807 (32%)

CHINA  :  2,651 (30%)

OTHERS   :  3,342 (38%)  

Major Requirements for Naturalization

  • A person has been residing in Japan with a valid status of residence for more than 5 years consecutively (at least 3 years of working period as well)  (※1),

  • A person is 20 years of age or more and has full capacity for legal act according to the law of his/her home country (※2),

  • A person is of good behavior, and

  • A person has sufficient assets or incomes in order to make an independent living (※3).

(※1) :
If a person is a spouse of a Japanese national and fulfills any of the following requirements, this requirement is exempted

  • spouse who has been continuously residing in Japan for more than 3 years and who is currently residing in Japan, or

  • spouse who has been in a martial relationship for more than 3 years and has been continuously residing in Japan for more than 1 year.

 (※2) :

  • If both a parent and his/her minor child simultaneously apply the "Naturalization", the permission will be concurrently granted in most cases.
  • If a person is a spouse of a Japanese national, this requirement is exempted.

(※1)(※2)(※3) :

If a child of Japanese national falls under one of the following conditions, the requirements (※1)(※2)(※3) above are exempted.

  • child of Japanese national (excluding an adopted child) who resides in Japan, or
  • An adopted child of Japanese national who has been continuously residing in Japan for 1 year or more, and was a minor according to his/her national law at the time of adoption.

If a foreigner is planning to apply "Naturalization" in near future,
the following points shall be taken into consideration.

  • A foreigner needs a certain level of Japanese language capabilities. (Language skills of at least lower grades of a Japanese elementary school are required.)

  • Any kind of tax delinquent and failure of pension payment deteriorate into unfavorable conditions upon the application procedures.

  • A foreigner needs to be very conscious not to be penalized during your stay in Japan. (Commitment of a traffic violation may influence the application procedures.)
    If a foreigner needs to drive a car during his/her work, please pay attention to safety.

  • The application procedures will take a long period of time to settle, and there are many varieties of application forms and documents to prepare, which some of them may need to order from your home country. Therefore, the preparation with a sufficient time allowance is highly recommended.