

東京都新宿区新宿1-30-4 OSビル6階


受付時間   :09:00~19:00(土日祝祭日は予約制)


Starting Business after Graduation

If foreign students who are preparing for starting their business in Japan after graduating from university (including graduate school but excluding junior college)they are permitted to change their status of residence to the "Designated Activities" in order to extend their stay in Japan.
(For required documents, click here.)

Requirements & Procedures

  • Status of Residence:Designated Activities
  • Period of Stay:6 months

If a dependent spouse or child continues residing in Japan, he/she is required to change his/her status of residence from the "Dependent" status to the "Designated Activities" status. 


  1. A student who has not been convicted of a violation of any law or regulation of Japan during his/her stay in Japan and achieved a good academic record
  2. A student who has been recommended by his/her educational institution
  3. A student who has prepared a business plan, and he/she is expected to be successfully granted the status of residence of "Business Manager" after establishing his/her company within 6 months
  4. A student who has a capacity to pay all the expenses during his/her stay in Japan
  5. A student who has secured his/her initial investment of at least 5,000,000 yen 
  6. facility to be used as an office has been or will soon be insured by a student.
  7. His/her educational institution provides "Startup Support" to students.

 If the students establish their company by joint investment, each student is required to secure his/her initial investment of at least 5,000,000 yen.

Check Your Status

Check if your school is issuing you a letter of recommendation.

Prepare Papers

Prepare required documents (e.g. Certificate of Graduation, Application Form etc.).

Submit Document

Submit documents to the regional immigration services bureau.