

東京都新宿区新宿1-30-4 OSビル6階


受付時間   :09:00~19:00(土日祝祭日は予約制)


Scope of Student Visa

Scope of Student Visa (by Types of School)

If the applicant studies at a university or an equivalent educational institution, he/she may be eligible for acquiring the "Student Visa".

Equivalent Educational Institution

  • University

National Fisheries University, Marine Technical College (excluding branch school), National Institute for Sea Training, Civil Aviation College, Japan Coast Guard AcademyJapan Coast Guard School, Meteorological College, National Defense Academy, National Defense Medical College, Polytechnic UniversityAeronautical Safety CollegeNational College of Nursing, Japan, etc.

  • Japan Campus of Foreign Universities and UNU

TEMPLE University Japan CampusFar Eastern Federal University Hakodate Branch, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Japan Campus, Beijing Language and Culture UniversityUnited Nations University

If the applicant studies at a college of technology (koutou senmon gakko), he/she may be eligible for acquiring the "Student Visa".

College of Technology

  • The college of technology is for students who have completed their secondary education, and providing them in-depth technical knowledge and skills of the engineering and mercantile marine field. The engineering program is 5 years in length while the mercantile marine program is 5.5 years duration.
  • For more information, click here.

If the applicant studies at a vocational school (special training college) (senshu gakko), he/she may be eligible for acquiring the "Student Visa".

Vocational School

  • The vocation school (specialized training college) offers a variety of practical vocational and technical education programs. The courses provided in vocational school may be classified into three categories: upper secondary, advanced and general courses. Each course gives at least 40 students systematic instruction, lasting not less than one year, for 800 class hours or more per year.
  • If foreign students are planning to find employment in Japan after graduating from a vocational school, they need to have obtained the original academic degree called "Diploma" or "Advanced Diploma".
  • For more information, click here (Japanese).

If the applicant studies at a miscellaneous educational institution (kakushu gakko), he/she may be eligible for acquiring the "Student Visa".

Miscellaneous Educational Institution

  • There are a large number of educational institutions responsible for the education of foreign nationals residing in Japan which have been accredited by the prefectural governments as “miscellaneous schools”.  The national government sets Miscellaneous School Regulation to stipulate terms, class hours, number of students, teachers and facility in general. Prefectures make accreditation of miscellaneous schools, and each prefecture sets accreditation standards uniquely.
  • For more information, click here (Japanese).
Source : Compiled from the website of MEXT

Schools for Assistant Nurses

If the applicant studies at one of the following full-time training schools for assistant nurses, he/she may be eligible for acquiring the "Student Visa".

  • Nursing High Schools
  • Advanced Vocational Schools of Nursing
  • Nursing Schools


  1. The applicant must enroll in a school full-time basis.
  2. If the applicant studies at a nursing school established by a local medical association, he/she is ineligible for the "Student" visa, because the nursing school usually provides the part-time courses. 
  3. If the applicant studies at a nursing university, college or junior college, needless to say, he/she is eligible for the "Student" visa.